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For sale in a sentence

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Sentence count:237+6Posted:2016-07-18Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: purchasableSimilar words: salesaleson saleor soanniversaryfor sureat worstconversationMeaning: adj. available for purchase. 
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(181) Two other viaducts on the Borders railway network are also for sale, on the same terms.
(182) Under a trust for sale the trustees obviously can sell, and they are given by statute a discretionary power to retain.
(183) The amount of bonds being offered for sale by securities firms in the secondary market remained low.
(184) They're up for sale at an auction of film props to be held in Norton in Gloucestershire.
(185) Read in studio A Victorian mental hospital is up for sale ... and could fetch more than two million pounds.
(186) Merchants who bought food in surplus areas for sale in drought districts were shot for profiteering.
(187) Clothier, which in October said it may seek a merger or put itself up for sale.
(188) We live in a country in which all national political offices are for sale to the highest bidder.
(189) Conservationists cried foul when public land was put up for sale by the federal government.
(190) Only Tawno's not for sale, any more than King Ahasuerus.
(191) Advertisements for houses for sale often refer to their proximity to Buzz, Go and EasyJet destinations.
(192) He has said repeatedly that the club is not for sale.
(193) The women began producing thousands of rugs a year for sale to tourists and collectors.
(194) He had roamed Queenstown during his lunch hour at the beginning of the week before he could find a roaster for sale.
(195) Pre-Christmas party gossip was buzzing with speculation that the company was for sale.
(196) Now our lady is going to knit a garment for sale.
(197) For sale: small motor scooter. Enquire within.
(198) Chand Double Air hardcover duplex home for sale!
(199) The Empire State Building is going up for sale.
(200) Udinese have put defender Cristian Zapata up for sale.
(201) Our gift shop has razors for sale.
(202) The market offers optimum condition for sale.
(203) I raked the ads for a bicycle for sale.
(204) The hairpiece is not for sale.
(205) Silverware is among the wares for sale in Lookout Mountain,[sentence dictionary] Tenn.
(206) The inventory of unsold homes listed for sale also is down.
(207) Spiny green durian fruit for sale at a Singapore market is known for its rotting stench.
(208) These were not the old stodgy ads listing goods for sale.
(209) It also has put its Hummer brand up for sale.
(210) The agar foods for sale at this food shop are of striking But not vulgar colors.
More similar words: salesaleson saleor soanniversaryfor sureat worstconversationendorsesaladsalmonvassalsalaryout of doorspaletalemalewhalescalefemaledealertalentedcalendarequivalentPalestinianon a large scale
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